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Achtung Spoiler

Interviews nach Farhampton Teil II

25.09.2012 14:50

Und die Interviews gehen weiter. Viele Sachen wiederholen sich natürlich, deshalb hier mal kurz zusammengefasst, was aus meiner Sicht noch nicht bekannt war:

Staffel 9:

We have a crazy plan to extend the show. I know, we always have crazy plans, but this is our craziest. If How I Met Your Mother is renewed for Season 9, it will be via a very crazy plan, writing- and storytelling-wise. ... We have a plan where we get to write Season 8 like it's the last and we get to write it like it's the last season until way into the season.

We would never, ever, ever [renew without all of the series regulars signed on]. It’s a family, and we’re finishing this thing together.

Barney und Robin:

I think we have a way to get Barney and Robin back together that is really fun and really appropriate. They get married, so someone's gotta propose to someone. We have the plan and we know what we're gonna do and we hope people will say, "Of course! That's the only way Barney and Robin could have gotten back together." But first they have to break up with Quinn and Nick, obviously.

Der Trennungs-Monat Okotber und was danach kommt:

The opening of Episode 2 is a three-way split-screen and it's like "One of these three couples will break up." It's the prenup episode between Barney and Quinn. It's hilarious, but one couple does bite the dust in it. Even though we know all the endings. [...]
We've sectioned everything, and [in] Episodes 7 through 12, everyone but Marshall and Lily will be single. And then things will get interesting. 

Abby Elliott:

We do have Abby Elliott. She's a crazy chick who comes into the group's lives and complicates things. But Victoria is the last significant love interest for him. 

Casting der Mutter:

I don’t want to say because ultimately when we do cast the actress who’s the mother, it’s going to have to be shrouded in secrecy, so if it already happened, we already did it, we don’t want to say.

Robin Sparkles:

We want to go back to [Robin Sparkles]. One more time before we hang it up. And we have a way to do it that I think would be completely different from the other ways we’ve done it.

Diese Zitate sind aus Interviews von Carter Bays und Craig Thomas mit tvguide.com und ew.com entnommen worden.



HIMYM-Fans Forum


07.11.2014 10:53

Jason Segel kommt zur Buchvorstellung nach Deutschland

Jason Segel hat ein Kinderbuch geschrieben: „Nightmares! – Die Schrecken der Nacht“ soll den Leser in die fantasievolle Welt der Albträume entführen. Zur Vorstellung des Buchs kommt Segel auch nach Deutschland. Am 18.11. findet eine exklusive Lesung im CinemaxX-Dammtor statt. Danach steht euch Segel noch für Autogramme und Signierwünsche zur Verfügung. Bereits einen Tag früher findet eine Signierstunde im Berliner KaDeWe statt.

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