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Becki Newton Interview

19.03.2012 13:10

In einem Interview von TVGuide.com verrät Becki Newton einiges über "The Broath" sowie Barney und Quinn:

"We're moving quickly! I can say from experience that when you know, you know. I think that even Barney and Quinn are surprised by this development, but they feel pretty confident and really happy together, so why not give it a shot?" Newton says. "They're both on the same page, which is why it's working out so well for them. They complete each other's thoughts pretty easily. I have the feeling that the idea came up at the same time and they both said, 'Sure, let's do it!'"
Newton is signed up for eight episodes, a selection that could include the season finale, which will flash forward again to Barney's future wedding. After such a serious step forward in their relationship, could Quinn be the future Mrs. Stinson? "I think she's a very good contender," Newton teases. "They have not told me anything. But if I got to wear a wedding dress and marry Neil Patrick Harris — I mean, I would die." 

Das ganze Interview gibt es bei TVGuide.com.



HIMYM-Fans Forum


07.11.2014 10:53

Jason Segel kommt zur Buchvorstellung nach Deutschland

Jason Segel hat ein Kinderbuch geschrieben: „Nightmares! – Die Schrecken der Nacht“ soll den Leser in die fantasievolle Welt der Albträume entführen. Zur Vorstellung des Buchs kommt Segel auch nach Deutschland. Am 18.11. findet eine exklusive Lesung im CinemaxX-Dammtor statt. Danach steht euch Segel noch für Autogramme und Signierwünsche zur Verfügung. Bereits einen Tag früher findet eine Signierstunde im Berliner KaDeWe statt.

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